Category: Art

Last days of summer…


I spend my summers in a tree,
I roam the world while sipping tea,
and lots of things are built by me
from house to ship and this decree
I’ll spell it out so you can see,
I cannot marry because I’m free
and one more reason this may be
is I am married to the sea.

Married to the Sea :: Clare Elsaesser


you make me happy…

I moved into my house last week! I will post some pictures once I get settled in, but in the meantime – I found this print today and I thought it was so sweet. I’m not normally a big fan of primary colors in design but I like little pops of it around the house like this.

Print  //  $19

twenty five

Today is my 25th birthday. Feeling so loved and cherished by so many of my family and friends made today truly wonderful. The thought of taking on so many new adventures this year is made exponentially easier knowing I have the care and support of my loved ones. Thank you for all your well wishes and I wish every one of you a lovely year!

Here are a few things I am loving right now, enjoy!

silk shutterbug top

vida lenta (slow life)

viva vena santa cruz dress

animal locomotion, plate 197 (couple dancing)

built by wendy banner tank

tiny bird

motel celeste dress

hey stranger

I’m sorry for disappearing for awhile. I close on my house on seven (SEVEN!!) days and between that and work, I haven’t had much time to scour the web for new things favorite and creative. However, with my entertainment budget dropping to zero here in a week, I’m sure I will have more time to peruse and post.

Design*Sponge posted about this Etsy shop – Little Things Studio – a few days ago and I keep coming back to the beautiful prints (priced $20 and below). Varying in style and featuring different literary quotes, they would make lovely wedding gifts or housewarming presents (hint, hint…).


Anne Shirley quote // Simon Dach quote // Laura Ingalls Wilder quote

two down, three to go

This week has already been a tough one and it’s only Tuesday. So this poster by Hi, I’m Francesca is going to the printer and then on my wall until all ten fundamentals sink in. Download the free high-res PDF here to print your own!

(via Hi, I’m Francesca)

exes, hexes, and a new year

I’m a borderline serial dater. It started in college, once my fear that if I dated someone, they would fall in love and propose immediately went away. (I grew up very religious and saw that happen a LOT so don’t judge me, please.) Of course, that isn’t to say I haven’t had a few meaningful relationships peppered in between a lot of casual dating or companioning (a term I coined for when you aren’t dating someone romantically per se, but you make a good match for social events and other “plus-one” types of things so you just “companion” for awhile – dating sans romance).

2011 Calendar by Paper & Type and Le Petit Elefant //  $20

(after the month has passed, you can detach the calendar and voila! a lovely print!)


Because of this, I have a lot of theoretical exes. In my younger years, I would just refer to anyone I had dated as an “ex” and not think twice about it because typically we didn’t remain friends exactly, but acquaintance seemed too formal and detached considering our history. So “ex” it was until yesterday. I was talking to a dear friend (who is in a serious, committed relationship but still holds wonderful advice for a dating nomad such as myself) and talking about past relationships. I mentioned something about being single for awhile, figuring out these next moves in my life without taking into account anyone else or how my actions would affect their lives (or vice versa). And then out came the little lightbulb : “The next person I am with deserves me, not the ex-girlfriend of __fill in the blank__.” I have long referred to myself or others in terms of past relationships. Referencing someone only as So-and-so’s ex-boyfriend, the guy that you-know-who dated last summer, etc. When did I become so focused on these titles? When did being someone’s ex suddenly have this mysterious power than no one on the other side possessed? After my lightbulb moment, Dear Friend had a some wise words, as she typically does: “Those experiences with past lovers are important, they make you who you are, but they are over, and what matters is the future, it is the only thing you can change, and it is the only direction to go…the future is what will make you happy.”


2011 Wall Calendar by Natalie Nelson  //  $9

(a graphic designer I went to college with – although had I stumbled across these on my own, I would have posted anyways!)


So that’s going to be my New Year’s resolution. I don’t know that I have ever really made a serious NYE resolution before so this is new territory for me. This doesn’t mean I forget about the things I learned in past relationships. Sometimes men DO propose marriage to you after an entirely too short amount of time (you can say no!). Sometimes men hurt you, physically or psychologically  (but they are NOT the majority, they are pieces of trash). Sometimes men hurt you, emotionally (but the good ones will do it with a kind heart and from a loving place). Sometimes men are the best friends in the world (and it’s perfectly okay to keep them as just that).


2011 Mini Calendar by Wolfie + the Sneak  //  $8

(pocket sized monthly calendars so you can look très chic when you need to check the date instead of très boring by using your phone)


So I’m going to buy a new calendar, delete some phone numbers I don’t need anymore and start the new year as Abby, maybe a little wiser but no one’s ex-girlfriend.


(ps. It’s a good thing I head down to New Orleans next week for work though. There are a few voodoo dolls I might pick up to use during the last few weeks of 2010) 🙂

starry peacock

Starry Peacock //  Hadley Hutton  ::  $30

Just ordered this print from The Working Proof. If you aren’t familiar with the site, artists list a print and a charity of their choice. When you buy their print, a percentage (usually 15%) of the purchase price goes to that charity. This artist chose Medecins Sans Frontieres.

portable art

I’m working on Part Two of Oh Nine but until then, I’m loving Poolga for wallpapers on my cell phone. I’m currently rocking Octopus Trails but here are a couple that are next in line.


Time  ::  Wendy MacNaughton


Happiness Is  ::  Lim Heng Swee


Enjoy the Ride  ::  Mauro


Oh, and ps., all the downloads are FREE!


o v e r a c h i e v e r

Failure is Always an Option Screenprint  ||  $14

I could use this hanging in front of my face sometimes. I am a perfection junkie. I’m also a rampant overachiever. It’s not a wonderful combo. The only time I have a hard time not whirling myself into an anxious, project-ridden tizzy is the beginning of summer and the beginning of a relationship.

I am no longer experiencing either. Gone are the days of clock-watching just so I could sneak out a few minutes early and get a little sun on my face or catch a baseball game with my other half. My skin is plenty sun-kissed and I’m lucky if J and I catch each other for long enough to eat dinner together, much less nine innings.

So here is my short list of things to do in the next two months:

1. Go on a vacation. Not a trip, a vacation.

2. Have a least two, real dates with J a month. As in cell phones’ off, dogs at home, et cetera.

3. Finish the stack of books on my bedside table.